Technology and online safety

In our continuous provision, children have access to cause and effect activities/resources (flaps, sound, images, and pulleys), role play items such as old phones, keyboards, laptops and cameras. We also have a large outdoor water area so that children can investigate ‘low technology.’ Practitioners model and support the use of I-pads, computers and the interactive board for different purposes, including typing and retrieving information from the internet. Each class have access to either a CD player or an Amazon dot for playing music or audible stories.

Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world. The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks. NSPCC 2021

In our EYFS we talk to children about ‘keeping safe.’ This includes making inside and outside safe, keeping our hands to ourselves to keep our friends safe, when climbing outdoors and when using the internet at school and at home.

Practitioner’s model being kind, safe, making good choices and asking for help.

Consent: we ask permission before taking photographs (whole class agreement at the start of the year.) We show children the school website and twitter to ensure that they’re happy with what is shared.

We model making kind comments about photographs and videos we see online, in our environment and in books.

We only use a device for a specific purpose. We show children that we don’t need to use a device all the time and that we’re there to listen and interact through talk and stories.

We have passwords on all our devices.

Our mobile phones are in locked cupboards out of children’s reach.

We talk to children about their personal information including name, address and their date of birth. We make it clear that this is their private personal information.

We provide a safe and happy environment built on trust and respect.

We teach all children to ask for help by using Makaton, visuals, gesture and the spoken word.

We teach children to ask to use an I-pad and to tell us what they need it for. We tell children that we need to know what they’re doing when online to keep them safe.

We use the phrase ‘good choices’ throughout the day. This links to friendship choices, behaviour choices and online choices.

We discuss making good choices about what games to play and what videos to watch.

Before we ask children to tidy up, we always give the children 2 warnings. This also applies when using technology, children are taught clear and consistent rules to make play and screen time manageable.

Home learning

Practitioners send home a technology assessment to find out what types of devices children use at home.