Outdoor learning

Outdoor learning is vital for young children. When they’re outside they are able to practise their physical skills far better than indoors. Outside they can run, jump, skip, hop, climb, ride bikes and transfer heavy objects to strengthen their muscles. Outside children are able to access sand, water and mud to practise their shape, space, measure and problem solving skills. Messy play has endless learning opportunities that prepare children for the key stage 1 curriculum. We teach children how to minimise how messy they get, and they do get better at this as they get older, but it is part of their learning and development.

Our EYFS children go outside no matter what the weather is. It is important that the children dress appropriately: warm clothes, a waterproof outfit and sun hats and sun cream when it is sunny. All EYFS staff wear wellies and wet suits and get messy with the children.

Getting wet does not cause us to catch a cold. You catch a cold when a virus makes contact with mucus membranes and triggers an immune response. When virus-containing water droplets from a sneeze or a cough enter your body and makes contact with the mucus membrane, the immune response is triggered. Inside the human nose it is cold with high humidity. These conditions are what the rhinovirus (the main culprit for a common cold) thrives in, this is what causes the runny nose, stuffy nose and sneezing.

 When your child comes home messy…

Red paint in their hair? Blue paint on their trousers? Sand in their shoes?
White socks that look brown? Sleeves a little bit damp?
YOUR CHILD probably...    worked with a friend, solved a problem, created a master piece, negotiated a difference, learned a new skill, had a great time and/or developed new language skills.